Sunday, February 1, 2015

Success - Faithfulness to the Process

"You are a success every day you get up and show up for duty…. Everyday of faithfulness where you are with what you have is a successful day…Confusing success with the rewards of success is one of the primary reasons people abandon their dreams. In the meantime we must see success for what it is: faithfulness to the process.”  -- Andy Stanley

It is now February and its been one month since I announced to the world (okay, to those who read this blog) my new year's goals:

     1. Adopt a healthier lifestyle – including eating better and moving more.
     2. Make two new healthier meals a month from scratch.
     3. Jog an entire 5K by late spring.
     4. Hike at least two new trails with Lance this summer.
     5. Sing special music at church at least one time this year.

So, how am I doing?

Pretty good – but not as good as I thought I would be.  That is hard for me to admit and still consider myself successful in my quest. Unfortunately, I am one of those people who think they should be able to do everything perfectly – instantly. So, I have to keep reminding myself this is a process and faithfulness to the process is what makes me a success.

Instead of dwelling on what I still can't do or didn't do yet, I am cheering myself on for what I am doing.  And when I fall a little - or fail to meet my extremely high expectations - I have to remind myself, baby steps. 

Everyday we keep trying is a good day.

I started with a simple change - drink at least eight glasses of water a day.  To be fair, I have always been a water drinker (but not that many glasses!).  I just don't like the carbonation of soda pops. They don't really quench my thirst.  Interestingly, because I am drinking more water, I find myself drinking less coffee at work - which means I drink more water - win/win.  This doesn't mean I have given up coffee or the occasional Northern Lite Latte.  I just drink coffee when I really want a cup - not out of habit.

I also made a very conscious effort to eat better. 

Five fruits and vegetables a day - you betcha!  And the funny thing is, it wasn't that hard to do.  Add some veggies to that sandwich, fruit to my oatmeal, snack on an apple or carrots, serve a salad or veggie with dinner - not hard, just a change in my mindset.  Best of all, I feel better. 

All the cookies and junk food that we were constantly nibbling on at work and home over the Christmas holiday's really did me in.  I felt sluggish all the time. 

Too bad I didn't make that correlation sooner...

I slowly worked my way up to 10,000 steps a day (on most days).  That is a lot of walking!  I can't always get as many steps in as I like, but I try.  And sometimes I surprise myself when I realize I have gone way over.  Don't get me wrong.  It takes some conscious decisions to get there.  Walks at lunchtime when the weather cooperates - and walking around Target when it doesn't.  (Target employees probably wonder what the crazy lady is doing - walking up and down every aisle and only to buy a couple of things in health and beauty!)  Squeezing in break time walks with coworkers and taking the longer route with Ellie on our evening walk. 

Every little bit helps.

I talked to Kaitlyn about running a 5k with me this spring and we are trying to find a date that will work for both of us. 

My training began last week - very tentative right now, but I have made a commitment to this by scheduling three (very early) mornings a week on the treadmill.  Okay, full disclosure, I have done day one of my training app four days in a row - but I am on to day two this week!  Just committing to this challenge is success... I am not a morning person, but before work is the only time I have free. 

I can't wait for the day I actually enjoy running like I did when I was many, many years younger.

Now some fun stuff - I am cooking meals from scratch again!  I found three new recipes that I tried last month and have included links so you, too can try them.  Pineapple Black Bean Enchiladas (yummy!), Caribbean Mango Pork Stew (wonderful!), and Orange Dijon Pork Chops (mmmm).  All three are healthy, combine ingredients I would not think of putting together on my own, and very tasty.  I am really getting into searching on-line, in my old recipe books and going through my collection of interesting recipes cut out of magazines over the years for our next "feature" meal.

So, what am I learning from this process?

First, I need to be more patient with myself.  I lost about seven pounds and three inches my first month, and am walking about five miles almost every day.  But, instead of celebrating that achievement, I worry about the fact that I lost no weight this past week and can barely run for a minute without getting tired. 

I guess I haven't totally embraced this new definition of success.  I am still looking for the rewards.

And that is okay - after all, success is the faithfulness to the process - and I am definitely working the process. 

So, here's to a new month and new challenges filled with new successes.



I just finished the last book of the Bible. I think I need the help of someone wiser than me to interpret John’s dream, or prophecy, or warn...