Saturday, October 17, 2015

Can you hear me now?

Lately I have been saying the same prayer over and over again - "Lord, help me find a purpose."  And then I ask God to send me a sign - something to help me figure out what I should be doing with my life.

Problem is, when God talks, I don't really listen.

I am part of a women's group though my church that meets once a month.  I was a little nervous about going to this months meeting because I didn't know what we were going to discuss.  Instead of reading a book throughout the year as we had done in the past, this year is more of a free-form meeting - a different topic each month.  As someone who likes to come prepared, this new format is a little disconcerting for me.  And wouldn't you know it, this month's topic was finding balance in your life - figuring out where faith fits into our daily life.  Almost as if God was listening to my prayer and providing me with a nudge - too bad I wasn't really paying attention.

As part of the meeting, I mentioned that I felt more connected to church when my daughter was younger - I was a Sunday school teacher, a confirmation guide, even was on the youth committee where I planned and chaperoned over-nighters for the kids.  Pastor Kathy said she could get me more involved...and I laughed. 

God, were you talking to me?  Still not paying attention.

Same night, my friend Linda said she was thinking about going to Wednesday night church  and I said I have thought about it too.  She brought it up again on that Saturday night when our Dinner for Eight group got together and I said we have thought about it too, but I hesitated to say "yes, we should".  I am not sure why, but I just couldn't make the commitment.

God, you may have to hit me harder over the head as I am obviously not paying attention.

Sunday, there were flyers in the church bulletin looking for people who would be ambassadors once a month taking welcome gift bags to people who had attended one of our services that month.  I thought to myself, "I could do that."  All I needed to do was write my name on a piece of paper and put it in the offering plate.  And did I?  I think you can guess the answer. 

This week I saw a recipe on Facebook for Buffalo Chicken Chili posted by a friend of mine.  It looked so good I just had to share.  And who should comment on my post?  Pastor Kathy with "You know, there is a chili cook-off this Wednesday at church".  I "liked" her comment and started to think.

I seem to be getting lots of signs from God lately and basically ignoring them.  What am I waiting for? 

Today I received an email from our choir director inviting me to come to Wednesday night practice and be part of the Christmas Festival.  He even said it was okay if I missed the kick-off retreat this Saturday (which I did).  God is most definitely persistent. 

So, I have decided it is time I start to paying attention to the signs God is throwing my way.  He has shown me the answer to my I just need to take the next step and follow through.  As in the joke about the man who keeps praying to God to let him win the lottery - God finally has to say to the man, "you have to help me out here - buy a ticket!"

Well Lord, I am about to buy my ticket.  I finally heard You.  I am going to step out of my comfort zone and get involved with one of the opportunities You have so graciously laid out in front of me.

Chili cook-off at church?  Lets see how they like my new recipe - I have all day to prepare it since I don't work on Wednesday's anymore.  (I know, I know - my eyes were closed to this sign too - not working on Wednesday's gives me more time to seek out new opportunities to serve - I see it now.)

To Andy and the church choir - I will see you at practice on Wednesday night.  Singing with you at the Christmas Festival sounds wonderful.  To Linda, let's see what the bible study is next year and plan to go on Wednesday nights.

Funny how we pray for God to show us the way - but when He does we tend to ignore the message.  I guess it is time to start paying more attention.  Who knows what we might hear...


I just finished the last book of the Bible. I think I need the help of someone wiser than me to interpret John’s dream, or prophecy, or warn...