Wednesday, March 23, 2016

That Sounds Good...

I really like the idea of a God who loves me unconditionally, knows my every need, listens to my prayers and guides me through my life.

I like the idea of a lot of things.

Too bad I have a habit of giving up when those things take more effort than I anticipated.

We bought a convertible a few years ago and I teased my husband that it was his "mid-life crisis" car.  But in reality, I kind of liked the idea of a convertible, too.  I pictured us taking drives into the mountains with the top down, hair blowing in the wind, the open sky above and the open road in front of us.  Our dog, Ellie, would be on my lap, tongue hanging out while she happily joined us.

Unfortunately, the idea of owning a convertible didn't match up with the reality of owning a convertible.

When I thought it was warm enough to have the top down, Lance thought it was too hot and sunny.  When Lance thought it was cool enough to enjoy the top down, I thought it was too cold.  We took one mountain trip with Ellie - and she hid on the floor by my feet the whole drive.   

I realized that I really didn't like having my hair blowing around my face.

The convertible is now gone.

We bought a hot tub many years ago because we really liked the idea of lounging in the Jacuzzi after a long day's work.  We thought it would be like having our own resort - we could run around in the snow and then warm up in the hot tub.

Again, reality was not exactly like the resort dreams. 

We had to go all the way downstairs to go out the basement to get to the hot tub.  And when we should have really used it the most - when it was cold outside - well, lets just say the warm house had its own appeal.

We talked about selling the hot tub when we moved from Minnesota to Colorado.  Instead, we ended up moving it with us.  And just guess how often we use it in Colorado?

I signed up for a 5K a few years ago because I liked the idea of being a runner. 

I even own a treadmill so I could "train" in the winter. 

What I soon realized - it is tough to stay committed.  It would have been so easy to say " this is too hard" and quit.  But, having my daughter agree to run with me gave me the motivation to keep going and actually participate in the 5K. 

I didn't run the whole thing like I pictured in my fantasy - but I did finish.

Maybe I am learning that I don't need to be perfect in my efforts - I just need to keep trying.

I guess that is where I am in my faith journey, too.

I believe I am ready to learn more about the bible and God's love.  I feel like I am ready to share that love and have the faith that God hears my prayers and is looking out for me, my friends, my family. 

My daughter gave me a daily devotional for Christmas, "Jesus Calls", and I have been reading it most mornings (including the bible verses).  That is a start.

I listened to God's voice and agreed to be part of the church council for the next two years...which put me on the Evangelism Committee...which seems to be a really good fit for me.  I guess God knows me better than I know myself.

The time has come to not just like the ideas - but to fully embrace them - whatever they may be.

Church council - women's group - singing - blogging more often...

Maybe I'll try another 5K again...

...or use the hot tub!


I just finished the last book of the Bible. I think I need the help of someone wiser than me to interpret John’s dream, or prophecy, or warn...