Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Faith for all Seasons

Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

1 Corinthians 12:5-6

There are different kinds of service and the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.

The beginning… I was a child in small town Wisconsin and like most everyone growing up at that time in small town Wisconsin, we belonged to one of the local churches.  I was baptized, attended Sunday school, was confirmed and sang in the church’s high school choir.  My parents attended church one or two times a month (mostly on communion Sundays) and holidays.  Service was not really part of our faith language - we were more observers than active participants.

As a college student and young adult I fell away from church - attending only on holidays with my family.  Faith took a backseat to my education, work and social life.

Then, in what felt like a blink of an eye, I found myself married and responsible for the well-being of a small child.  I was a parent!  We needed to find a

During this new season my faith life revolved around what I could do for my daughter - to set an example and make her a better Christian than I felt I was.  I became a Sunday School teacher, a Confirmation guide, a member of the Youth Committee.  I helped with overnights, fundraisers, and youth retreats.  I encouraged my teenage daughter to embrace her faith - going on mission trips, helping with VBS, and working as a Lutheran camp counselor for several summers.  

As I tried to nurture her faith foundation, I found my own faith grow as an unexpected bonus.

Just as I was getting comfortable with this season, life decided to change course.  Our daughter graduated high school, my husband had a chance to fulfill a lifelong dream and we moved to Colorado where I started my journey all over again.  I was an empty nester, knew no one but my husband and felt a hole in my spiritual life.

So, we began the search for a church...and found Cross of Christ.

My faith journey entered a new season, one that focused on me and my talents, rather than a desire to put my daughter on the right path.  I looked for ways to get involved.  I tried choir and while I loved the singing and camaraderie - it was not the right fit for me at that time.  Then, I saw a blurb about “Dinner for Eight” and told my husband we were going to give this a try.  Being a good husband he said, “yes, dear.”

This small collection of people became our core friend and support group in Colorado.  We found faith building and fellowship with them.  We celebrated weddings, birthdays, anniversaries and graduations together.  We supported each other in times of sorrow, injury, illness and aging parent issues.  We are what small group ministry is all about.  

Cross of Christ and Dinner for Eight helped me find my faith life again.

Without Cross of Christ, I would not have tried anything like Dinner for Eight.  Without Dinner for Eight I would not be on the Church Council, as it took a member of our group to know me well enough to ask me to serve.  Without Church Council, I would never have discovered the Evangelism Team I am thrilled to be part of.

Without Dinner for Eight I would not be on the steering committee for Women, Wine and the Word - I would have been perfectly happy just being a participant.  Without Women Wine and the Word, I would never have pushed outside my comfort zone to attend New Beginnings Prison Ministries - not just once, but twice!

I now find myself seeking out faith building activities - reading daily devotions, attempting to read the Bible more frequently, attending services that don’t necessarily fall on a Sunday.  Helping as a cantor, participating as a lector, and organizing people to host fellowship.  Providing the occasional food for funerals, dinners for those homebound due to illness or injury, and making sandwiches for the homeless.

This faith journey is truly amazing...and a new season has just begun.

Habakkuk 1:5
Look at the nations and watch--
And be utterly amazed.
For I am going to do something in your days
that you would not believe,
Even if you were told...

My Dinner for Eight Group



I just finished the last book of the Bible. I think I need the help of someone wiser than me to interpret John’s dream, or prophecy, or warn...