Wednesday, April 24, 2019

And.. now...what?

I finished The Artist's Way several weeks ago.

Now I need to figure out how to use the insights I gained.  I don't want to go back to my old ways.  I don't want to go back to the days where creative endeavors were at the bottom of my list (if they made my list at all.)  I don't want to ignore my inner child artist by never doing anything silly and fun.  I don't want to lose the excitement I felt trying something new.

I want to be creative.

I still write my morning pages everyday like clockwork.  I find I enjoy putting my thoughts down on paper each day.  Which is funny, since I never saw myself as a person who kept a journal.  But, here I am, writing three pages every morning in my carefully chosen, brightly colored notebook.  I ramble on and on, putting what ever thoughts come into my head down on paper.  Sometimes I have tears streaming down my face while I write.  Sometimes I smile at fond memories.  Sometimes I write a to do list to clear my mind.  And sometimes I write insights on things I didn't realize were important to me.

It is so easy to let creativity fall by the wayside.

I stopped trying to learn how to play my ukulele.  I won't say I have given up completely, but it is no longer a daily priority.  Maybe this is not the right time.  Maybe I am letting that negative inner critic say it is not the right time.  I really don't know  what is going on.  But, I truly believe I will come back to it.  I will not box up this dream and put it on a shelf like I have so many other artistic endeavors.

I am still exploring what my inner child likes to do.

So, I will bring out my watercolors when the mood strikes me.  Strum a few chords when I notice my ukulele, laying forlorn and lonely in my "art room".  Write when I get the chance.  Look for a opportunity to sing.  Spend time with supportive friends.  Get some exercise.  Enjoy a good book.  Try something, anything, new.

The Artist's Way helped me rediscover some forgotten interests.

Now it is up to me to decide what I will do with that reawakening sense of creativity.  Do I let it wither away?  Or do I reach for the stars and see what happens?  Do I become complacent?  Or do I push myself?  Do I give up when I am not perfect?  Or do I remember the joy I felt trying something new?  Do I let my inner child artist out to explore and play?

We were all created to create.  I am trying hard not to forget that.


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