Sunday, July 19, 2020

1 Chronicles (A Genealogy of Sorts)

After the craziness of Kings we go back to the beginning.

1 Chronicles starts with a recap, a genealogy, from Adam through Abraham.  Honestly, very little time is spent on the people prior to Noah, just a short list of names.  This is followed by longer lists of names - Noah and his descendants, Abraham and his descendants, the many sons of David, and a long list of the other clans of Judah.  Then on to Saul's genealogy and Saul's death.  Nothing about Saul's time as king.  There are so many names, it was hard to read without glossing over them - just skimming the lists and lists of people.  Some are familiar, but many were not. There must be a reason for so much detail, but I will leave figuring out why for another day. 

After all the lists of names, we go back to David.

In this version, David is already a man.  He is a great warrior and destined to be the next king.  Battles are detailed.  There is no mention of his boyhood, no mention of Goliath, no mention of Saul's son and David's friend Jonathan, no mention of Saul's determination to kill David.  There is no mention of Bathsheba, but there is the story of God being upset at David because he took a census of all the men in Israel without permission.  Even without Bathsheba ever being named, Solomon is mentioned as a highly favored son.  David is told by God (through his prophet) that Solomon will be the next king.  And David goes to great lengths telling Solomon he is the one God chose to be the next king and that Solomon is to build a temple to house the Ark of the Covenant.  David also tells Solomon that he has already drawn up all the plans, in detail, for him to use. (Surprise!) 

Then we have more lists of names - detailing out a division of labor.

The book ends with everyone knowing Solomon will be the next king, with no mention of Bathsheba and the prophet Nathan going to an elderly David to ensure Solomon will be king.  And no mention of the other guy who was trying to be king.  Nope, we just skip to everyone being thrilled Solomon is the new king and then David dies.

On to 2 Chronicles...


I just finished the last book of the Bible. I think I need the help of someone wiser than me to interpret John’s dream, or prophecy, or warn...