Friday, June 13, 2014

Flowers, Cards and Healing Prayers...

Quick update:  I was recently hospitalized for a ruptured appendix and it involved some major surgery including the removal of a portion of my colon, some internal reconstruction and infection clean-up (a blog for another day).  I am now at home recuperating. Which means I have more time to contemplate life, appreciate each day and (hopefully) write.

I see trees of green,
red roses too.
I see them bloom,
for me and you.
And I think to myself,
what a wonderful world.
LOUIS ARMSTRONG (Lyrics from "What a Wonderful World")


One of the first pleasant memories I have of my stay in the hospital is seeing my daughter's face as she bounded into my room with her amazing energy and infectious smile, gently saying "Mama!".   She was followed by a hospital volunteer and two bouquets of flowers.  One was a colorful arrangement from my fellow co-workers in Denver and the other was a cheerful yellow concoction in a happy face mug from my former co-workers and dear friends in Minneapolis. Kaitlyn quickly went to work making my room a "home" arranging pictures she brought from our house and my flowers.What a wonderful surprise!  A little later that evening, another amazing bouquet arrived from the associates at my husband's small business. Everyone who entered my room commented on how great it smelled. 

It was not until the next day that I realized there was a tiny little arrangement of fabric flowers in the corner that Kailyn had quietly placed the day before.  She had secretly added some essential oils to the basket - the source of the amazing smells everyone commented on.  I was already feeling very loved, when the hospital volunteers made two more trips to my room.  The first, a small lily arrangement from a new friend meant more to me than words can express.  It gave me a sense of belonging - that Denver truly was my new home.  The second, an arrangement from my nieces and nephews that looked like a white fluffy puppy sitting in a basket with a Band-Aid on her paw, made me smile and think of my dog Ellie every time I looked at it.

As I approached my potential release, I realized I had a problem...what to do with all those flowers.  My husband had a suggestion, which I pounced on - ask the nurse to find home for this special form of healing and comfort.  There were plenty of patients who were not as fortunate as I was and it would be a great way to pay it forward.  So, I took home my happy face mug and the Colorado connection flowers, leaving the rest to brighten another patients day. 

Get Well Cards...

I am a card sender.  When some one is sick - I send a card.  Hospital?  Card.  Birthday?  Card.  The passing of a loved one?  Another card.  I usually write a short personal note but am never quite sure it is actually read.  Well, I am here to tell you - the notes do get read.  Upon my return home I discovered I had small collection of get well cards waiting for me to feel well enough to open.  I appreciatively read each and every card.  Words of support, prayer, and best wishes meant a great deal to me.  I smiled at the comments from the individuals on the group cards as I pictured each person in my mind.  And I read in wonder the cards from people I hardly knew but had somehow touched their lives enough to make them want to send me a card.  Believe me - cards and a brief word of kindness are an underappreciated form of compassion.

Healing Prayers...

I have been a Christian all my life.  As such I have often said "my prayers are with you" or "we are praying for you" in the event of bad news or illness.   And generally, I did say a small prayer for healing and moved on with my life.  I was never really sure if it helped or even mattered, but I felt compelled to do as I said I would (ever the rule follower).  Well, I am here to tell you it does matter.  My first night in the hospital, simply put, I felt the power of prayer.  As I prepared for sleep and closed my eyes, hovering in that in-between state of awake and out for the night, I saw what seemed like hundreds of eyes looking at me with love.  Some I recognized, some I did not.  I felt an overwhelming sense of comfort and well-being.  Then, I slept.  But, the feeling stuck with me and my healing continues.  From now on, when I say "I'll pray for you", I will.  Not out of obligation, but out of the belief that it does truly help.

Thank you to all my friends and family for your healing support.  It is truly appreciated.

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