Sunday, November 16, 2014


Denver is slowly crawling out of a record breaking cold spell.

The low Tuesday was 5 below zero, breaking the previous record of 4 below zero set in 1882 - 132 years ago!  Our 6 degree high last Wednesday shattered a 98 year old record for the coldest high on that date.  And the record breaking highs and lows continued throughout the week. 

Bottom line - it is COLD!

We have also gotten snow - not nearly as much as my friends in Minnesota and Wisconsin, but enough to make the drive in to and back from work a challenge.

It is so easy to gripe and complain about the weather (I know as I have done my share) that I decided to take a few minutes to remember five good things about the beginning of winter.

Here goes...

1.  Cold weather means cold weather food.  Chili, stews, home made soups and pot roasts.  Baking breads, pies, cakes and cookies.  Crock pot meals.  The smells are mouth watering and the tastes are extraordinarily delicious.  It takes me back to my youth, coming in after a day of playing in the snow and tasting all of those wonderful comfort foods. Yum!

2.    The freshly fallen snow, before a car has marred the smoothness of its surface or the rabbits have left their tiny prints scattered across the yard, is truly beautiful.  The flakes cling to the branches of the trees creating a chilly winter wonderland.  The evening moon makes the whiteness glow with a mystical aura. And the snow capped mountains are breathtaking when the morning sun shines on them.

3.  Sweaters, scarves, and turtlenecks can be worn with abandon.  Bundling up, thanks to the colder weather, we wrap colorful scarves around our necks - adding warmth and a fashionable turn to our winter ensemble.  I get to wear turtlenecks - a hard Midwest habit to break - and no one cares!  (In fact, I think they are a little jealous of the extra warmth my daring fashion disregard brings me.)  We can wear furry winter boots with our jeans carefully tucked in and not worry about looking silly.  (Okay, I live in Colorado - jeans tucked into boots is a pretty normal occurrence - no matter what the weather is like, but still...)

4.  The warmth of a cozy, lit fireplace. Nothing is better than sitting on the hearth until your back is so hot you don't think you can stand it...but yet you hate to move.  If you have a wood fireplace, the snap-crackle-pop can't help but make you smile.  And if you have a gas fireplace like we do, be grateful there is no wood to store and haul; so a fire can be lit in an instant - definitely a reason to smile.

5.  Drinking hot toddies.  I am not actually sure what a hot toddy is, but I do know we get to drink steaming hot chocolate with marshmallows out of cozy mugs that warm our hands and hearts.  We indulge in warm apple cider and try mulled wine.  And then there are Tom & Jerry's, hot buttered rum, and coffee spiked with the liqueur or flavorful creamer of your choice.  What's not to like about that? 

It is not easy to remain positive when life is throwing snowballs and icy cold winds at us - but, sometimes we just need to back up and appreciate the beauty of what God has given us today. 

Think about it. 

Next time the whining about the cold and snow starts to come out of my mouth I am going to try and remember what is good about the winter season ... bundling up in cozy sweaters and scarves, sipping the hot beverage of choice, relaxing in front of a roaring fire, smelling the crockpot meal as it permeates the house, all while enjoying the site of the winter wonderland just outside my window.  How about you? 


1 comment:

  1. I loved the thoughts, so much better to be positive than staying unhappy.



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