Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy New Year!

How does the saying go? “A new year – a new you…” Seems like you can’t avoid the sales pitch this time of year when everyone is working on their New Year’s resolutions. Now is time to make a change.

It is kind of funny, Lance and I seem to both have made the same resolution – but never told the other about it.

I noticed that Lance has been trying to eat healthier – and so am I. Yet neither of us mentioned that we wanted to start a new track on life.

Wonder why?

I think it is because we are both not sure we want to be held accountable in case we “fail.”

Well, I guess we are now being held accountable (sorry Lance).

Or at least I am.

Over the last six years I found myself gaining an average of five pounds a year (yes, you can do the math). I realized I am leading a very sedentary life as I sit at a desk most of my week days and in front of a TV at night. Blahhhh! I am tired too often, lose my breath too easily on the rare occasions I do something physical, and am feeling a little “blue” more often than I should.

Bottom line: I no longer like what I have become or what I see in the mirror (or in photographs – that New Year’s Eve photo was a real eye opener – I thought I was hiding those rolls of fat…)

So, I have decided to do something about it.

In the past I tended to go all gung ho with life changes, trying to make a zillion adjustments at once - keeping the resolution my little secret – which usually leads to disappointment when I don't to keep up. (This is most likely why I seldom tell anyone I am making a change - the perfectionist in me hates to let others know I failed.)

This time I am  going to be more like the turtle – slow and steady wins the race.

Changes need to come one step at a time.

My starting point: using Healthy Blue (a program available to everyone at my company through our health insurance) as my guide. I am paying more attention to what I am eating and drinking (including when and why); trying to add more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to my diet. I found logging everything that goes in my mouth is a real eye opener – and makes me plan better. I started wearing a pedometer and logging my steps daily as a motivation to get off my butt.  And will soon be adding exercise to my life...what a concept!

This is not a diet – it is a lifestyle change. 

And posting this for others to see is SCARY...


My New Year’s Challenges

1. Adopt a healthier lifestyle – including eating better and moving more.
2. Make two new healthier meals a month from scratch.
3. Jog an entire 5K by late spring.
4. Hike at least two new trails with Lance this summer.
5. Sing special music at church at least one time this year.


I will keep you posted on my progress.....


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