Monday, September 13, 2021


I finished Luke today and I think he must be The Historian.

Unlike Matthew and Mark, Luke was not there for Jesus’ life. His is not a first hand account. He listened to stories, did research, and wrote his gospel based on what he found. Interesting.

Luke gives much more information on John the Baptist than the first two gospels. He also talks about Mary’s visit by an angel (but nothing about Joseph). He tells of Jesus birth, focusing on the shepherds but no mention of the wisemen or Herod’s declaration that all boys under age two be killed or Joseph and his family’s flight to Egypt.

Luke is the first gospel to tell of baby Jesus’ circumcision story and the story of boy Jesus staying in the temple, calling it his Father’s house. Luke gives an expanded version of Jesus in Nazareth and the temptations of Jesus. (If only Jesus was present at the temptations, how is it all three gospels tell the same story?)

Luke tells some parables we already know, but in more detail. He tells new parables not mentioned by Mathew or Mark, too.

Luke pays much more attention to the women followers of Jesus, giving names and backgrounds. He tells more stories involving the women. He is very clear the women discovered the empty tomb, had a conversation with angels and told the (disbelieving) disciples what they found and heard.

Luke gives more detail to Jesus’ last days, last hours. 

Then Luke tells of the disciples waiting for what will come next for them…

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I just finished the last book of the Bible. I think I need the help of someone wiser than me to interpret John’s dream, or prophecy, or warn...