Thursday, January 2, 2020

Reading the Bible

I decided to read the Bible, cover to cover, in 2020.

When I mentioned this goal to my daughter and her seminary student husband, they suggested I find an app which would guide me through readings on a set schedule  It would assign me chapters from both the New and Old Testaments each day.  They thought an app would help me understand how the the books relate to each other and help me with accountability.

I am not going to do that.

Reading via app assignments feels too much like homework.  I tried an app as a test for a few days in December and did not like it.  It felt weird to keep bouncing around, reading sections from various parts of the Bible.  And when I missed a day I felt like I failed before I even really began.  I want this to be enjoyable, not fear producing.  So, I decided to just read straight through, like a good book.  I know this won't be easy because some books of the Bible are just plain boring (at least, this is what I have heard).  And, the Bible isn't written in chronological order, like most books. I may be crazy in my approach.

But, this feels like the most natural way for me to finish.

I looked at the Bible I have at home, checked how many pages there are in it, divided by three hundred sixty-five/six and came up with a goal of reading between three and four pages a day.  I may read more, or less, in a day, but will try my best to complete what I need to at the end of each month to finish in a year.  If I read three pages a day, I will finish mid- December, four pages a day will give me a completion date in mid- October.

I like having a cushion.

So, here is my plan.  I will read each month and take some notes.  I'll write down questions and observations, things I don't understand and insights I may find.  Then I plan to share them on this blog.  I am not sure how often I will write.  I am shooting for once a month, but maybe it will be more often.

Why am I doing this, and in a public forum no less?

First, reading all of the Bible is something I wanted to do for a long time, but never have.  I think I was afraid.  Afraid of looking foolish when I question things I may read; afraid of not understanding what I read; afraid of not finishing.  If I make this a public quest, maybe some people will be able to answer my questions.  Maybe some people will relate to my struggles.  Maybe some people will be supportive.  Maybe some people will be mean (please don't).  Maybe some people will think I am crazy.

I am not sure what I will find, but I feel compelled to start.

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I just finished the last book of the Bible. I think I need the help of someone wiser than me to interpret John’s dream, or prophecy, or warn...